First Canada Crypto Law Firm Launched

One aspect about the cryptocurrency markets is certain: there are many different countries who feel a different way about regulation, and there will be...

“Religious Wars and Unregulated Chaos” – Data Analysts Highlight Crypto Industry Issues

A recent article by New Money Review delves into the complex world of cryptocurrency data collection and analysis, featuring several interesting interviews with experts...

Denmark Gets Tough on Crypto Trader Tax

The Danish Tax Agency, known locally as the Skattestyrelsen, or SKAT, has announced its intention to begin collecting the data of crypto traders from...

Russia to Avoid US Sanctions with $10 Billion Bitcoin Investment

According to a Russian economist with ties to the Kremlin, the superpower is preparing a massive $10 billion USD investment in Bitcoin to replace...

Are Stablecoins the Future? The Winklevoss Twins Seem to Think So!

Are stablecoins the future of crypto? Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss, Bitcoin bulls and Gemini Exchange founders, seem to think so. This morning, an interview...