0x Powered Emoon First to Bring Off-Chain English Auctions to Ethereum; Breakthrough for NFT...

Yet another first-of-its-kind innovation has gone live on the Ethereum network: off-chain English auctions where users bid for non-fungible tokens (NFTs) with either ERC20-compliant...

Cryptyk – Trustworthy Data Security in the Age of Information

Blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies have introduced a revolution for the data and information age but at the same time have brought a new wave...

QuadrigaCX Can’t Access $190 Million in Crypto After Founder Dies

Around $190 million in cryptocurrency has been lost and locked away somewhere online where no one can reach it. What’s to blame? Canada’s largest...

New Rules For Crypto In Venezuela

Venezuela has been in the news more than ever, as many are concerned since U.S. president Donald Trump has described military intervention in the...

Zhao Believes Amazon Will Eventually Launch Its Own Cryptocurrency

There are various high-profile entrepreneurs that have spoken highly about blockchain, and even companies that have launched their own cryptocurrencies, as well. One notable...