New Bitcoin (BTC) Scam Leads to Fake BBC News Article


Over the past few days, a new Bitcoin scam has been doing the rounds. It appears to be delivered mostly via email by exploiting weaknesses in Hotmail or Live mail accounts.

Victims receive a legitimate-looking email that will usually mimic an email they are expecting to receive, making the scam seem even more real. A link in the email redirects the victim either to an extremely genuine looking BBC news webpage or simply to a page asking for a password.

It’s unclear as to why the password page comes up but the BBC News website features an article entitled “Panorama: Who Wants to Be a Bitcoin Millionaire.” At this point, the majority of seasoned web users will realise something suspicious is happening and likely close the page. However, those who don’t may be drawn in by the BBC news story and click a further link which redirects to a ‘Bitcoin Trader’ site at the URL

bittrader - New Bitcoin (BTC) Scam Leads to Fake BBC News Article

This website very closely resembles the format used by the prominent Bitcoin Revolution scam that has been doing the rounds for almost a year now and is most likely created by the same dodgy scammers. As with previous scams, the site attempts to draw in victims with promises of unrealistic returns and try to get them to deposit money into some or other investment scheme. It utilizes the same chronically overused rhetoric that other scams do, such as “Bitcoin is Making People Rich” and “You can be the Next Millionaire”.

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By now anybody even remotely involved in the cryptocurrency industry will instantly see through these thinly veiled attempts at fraud, but yet somehow many people continue to get drawn in by these ridiculous tricks.

Be sure to warn any unsuspecting family and friends that any Bitcoin website that promises to make you ‘the next millionaire’ is almost guaranteed to do the exact opposite.

The post New Bitcoin (BTC) Scam Leads to Fake BBC News Article appeared first on Cryptocoin Spy.